Baby Currant Crumble Pies

Shhhhh… these “Baby Currant Crumble Pies” were so DELICIOUS, so I even had three of them! Haha 😀

They are very, very easy to make… just remember that currants can be a bit sour so add sugar after taste. Now, it’s time for the gym for me, but before I go, I want to share the recipe with you! 😀



Daddy Currant Crumble Pie is in the middle of the plate with his eight babies around him. Tough work… haha…. but men need to do something in the household!!!  Why not start with taking care of their own kids??!! 😀

Recipe (makes 8 tiny + 1 big)

  • 2 dl red & black currants
  • 1 dl plain flour
  • 1 tablespoon caster sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla sugar
  • 35-40 gr butter
  • (1 tablespoon caster sugar + ½ tablespoon potato flour for the berries)

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees C.

Let the currants drain.

Thereafter, mix them with sugar and potato flour.

Place eight tiny paper cases and one big one on a baking sheet.

Put flour, vanilla sugar, caster sugar and butter into a bowl.

Work all together until you get a smooth and firm dough.

With help of a teaspoon, fill each paper case with three teaspoons of currants (apart from the big one). Add the rest of the currants into the big paper case.

Sprinkle the crumble dough over the currants.

Bake them in the middle of the oven, 20 minutes.

Let them cool a bit before being served.

Happy Pie Baking! 😀

Gooseberry-fool & Diet

A few days ago I cooked Gooseberry-fool. It is a bit healthier than the cookies, muffins etc. I have shown you before. Maybe something for people, men or women, who want to start a diet, but still want to get a treat??! I suggest then that you use another sweetener (for instance birch sugar – it has a very low GI-index) than proper sugar, in the gooseberry-fool if you want to try to lose weight… 😀



  • 5-7 ½ dl red gooseberries
  • 5-6 dl water
  • 2 dl caster sugar
  • 3 tablespoons potato flour

Boil water and sugar.

Add the gooseberries and cook them gently smooth over low heat.

Mix the potato flour with a bit cold water. Pour it into the pot.

Just wait until the gooseberry-fool starts bubbling again, then take it off from the stove.

Pour it into a bowl and sprinkle sugar on the surface of it.

Serve lukewarm or cold with milk.

Remember that the gooseberries can be a bit sour so add sugar after taste.

Happy Gooseberry Day! 😀