The Magic Window; Memories, Positive Environment and Dementia

I did some craft with one of the Residents at my work. We called the session ‘The Magic Window’. The meaning of the session was to bring up positive memories, feelings and thoughts to create a positive environment. The Resident, a lady (90 years old) who got dementia, created a lovely window with a red background (her favourite colour). She painted a house and a garden (it was things she liked) as well glued a curtain to her window. She created snow flakes with help of ‘diamond stickers’ and glued on butterflies on the paper to her Magic Window. The lady enjoyed the craft session and said it was definitely worth to join in.

I created a Magic Window as well, which you can see below. My point with this Blog Post is that we can create a positive environment with being creative such as using simple stuff as glue, papers, old fabrics etc. Life can be at some point stressful, filled with obstacles and negative emotions and feelings, but if you allow yourself to take a break from your stressful lifestyle, to bring up happy memories, in your own way, you might notice that life isn’t so bad as it looks like. Most people have something to be grateful for. Everyone got unique skills and is good at something regardless if they’ve got Dementia or not.

  1. Allow yourself to be proud of yourself.
  2. Allow yourself to see what you are good at.
  3. Allow yourself to say thank you to people around you, even when it comes to little things, and don’t forget to tell them sometimes if you see that they are good at something.
  4. Be grateful for the things you got and never lose the inspiration to improve yourself and your life without comparing your life with others.

Look into your own Magic Window and see what makes you happy in life…

Magic Window Sugar and Spice Baking

Happy Magic Blogging Everyone!  😀

5 thoughts on “The Magic Window; Memories, Positive Environment and Dementia

  1. Lovely post Maria! 🙂 I’m glad you shared this with us, very positive! you are right, I find it is important to take a break from all the negative that can sometimes surround us! Love your crafty project and so good of you to do with the residents and the lady of 90 years old! 🙂

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